Mental Health

Mental Health: How To Support Your Team!

Small businesses love a team that fully supports it. However, in order to do that, you have to offer that support right back! Having a solid policy around supporting mental health is not only a benefit to the employees, but to the business itself.

The Impacts Of Poor Mental Health

Not taking mental health seriously will lead to two things: the wellbeing of your team deteriorating, and costly band-aid fixes for your business. You might think that offering some options below are too expensive, but they are nothing compared to the cost of losing talent, the acquisition of new employees, and the sometimes irreversible effect that poor work can have on your reputation.

Poor mental health can lead to:

  • Less confidence
  • A hard time concentrating
  • Poor decision-making
  • A withdrawal from others
  • Less productivity
  • Strained relationships
  • And more

On the flip side, supporting mental health means exactly the opposite. As mental wellbeing goes up, so does productivity, quality, and the overall success of the company.

How To Support Mental Health

The good news is that it’s not complicated, and most options are incredibly simple to implement and can go a long way.

Mental Health Days

PTO should be part of every business’s benefits package. Vacation time for extended getaways, and paid sick days so employees don’t need to choose between working sick or losing money.

However, a few paid days can allow employees to feel less overwhelmed. Not only will they have the knowledge that a rest day is available, it will also give them peace of mind that the company they work for cares about them.

Access To Support

If you offer a group benefits package that includes health insurance benefits, it should also include mental health services.

However, paid services are not the only way to get help. When onboarding a new employee or even as a reminder to long-time ones, show them where they can find free support should they need it.


The first step in getting better is accepting something is wrong in the first place.

No one is going to seek mental health support if they feel that it is “weak” or that they will be held in lower regard if they do so. Conduct check-ins with your employees to see how they are feeling, and always reassure them that management cares for their concerns.


If you are an in-office workforce, offering a hybrid model (even if it’s just a single day a week) can make a big difference in employee’s morale. Having that bit of extra flexibility means a lot to people.

On the other hand, if you’re fully remote, make sure you get in some face-to-face time with your team. Don’t fill your days with meetings, but isolation can be a dangerous thing when it comes to mental health. You could even try planning a team day out somewhere or utilizing a co-working space!
