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Mailbox Service Agreement
Mailbox Service Agreement
I hereby agree to the terms and conditions set forth by this Agreement.
Mailbox Service Agreement
The Mailbox Service Agreement is entered into between the Parties herein identified as the Customer and the SuiteWorks Business Centres Inc. identified on page two of this Agreement, (SuiteWorks). The Customer has entered into this Agreement for the purpose of utilizing the private suite address printed below for receiving mail and parcel deliveries from Canada Post and Private Courier Companies such as UPS, DHL or FedEx. The Customer understands that SuiteWorks facilities may not be used for any illegal or illegitimate purposes prohibited by the Canada Post Corporation Act or the regulations there under. The Customer agrees that SuiteWorks, acting as agent for the receipt of mail and parcels only, is authorized to sign for all shipments addressed to the Customer, or any Joint Holder included in this Agreement. The Customer acknowledges that SuiteWorks may not accept any mail or parcel deliveries on behalf of addressees not specifically listed on this Agreement. Additional names may be added to this Agreement at any time following the date of execution. The Customer acknowledges that delivery of items to names not previously provided to SuiteWorks on this Agreement may be returned to sender and listed as “Unknown at this Address”.
The Customer further acknowledges that its use of the mailbox assigned under this Agreement shall be in conformity with all-applicable Federal, Provincial, and local laws. SuiteWorks agrees that all information provided by the Customer is strictly confidential, and may not be disclosed, except when legally compelled or required. SuiteWorks will upon receipt of valid identification and a written order, or other authorization (where required) provide a copy of this Agreement to law enforcement or governmental officials. SuiteWorks must also comply with any Court Orders requiring information, or access to mail or parcels being held on behalf of the Customer.
Possession of a mailbox key is considered by SuiteWorks to be valid evidence that the possessor is duly authorized to remove any contents from any mailbox rented under this Agreement. The Customer acknowledges that for security purposes, SuiteWorks may require identification in cases where the Customer has requested access to the contents of their mailbox without their mailbox key.
The customer further agrees that SuiteWorks may terminate or cancel this Agreement for cause at any time by providing seven (7) days written notice. Cause shall include, but is not limited to: 1) abandonment; (2) use for criminal, illegal, or illegitimate activity; 3) failure to pay monies owed to SuiteWorks; 4) use of mailbox inconsistent with this Agreement, including receipt of unreasonable volume of mail. Renewal of this Agreement for additional terms shall be at SuiteWorks discretion.
C.O.D. items will not be accepted. The Customer further agrees to protect, indemnify, and save harmless SuiteWorks from and against any and all claims, demands, and causes of personal injury or property damage arising from such use or possession; for failure of Canada Post to deliver on time or otherwise any items including mail and parcels, for damage to or loss of mailbox contents by any cause whatsoever; and for any violation by the customer of applicable Federal, Provincial, or local laws.
The Customer herein agrees that the total liability of SuiteWorks for any and all claims is limited to $50.00 regardless of the nature of the claim.
Individuals or businesses herein refereed to as Joint Holders may receive mail and parcels under the terms of this Agreement in addition to the Customer. Each Joint Holder must be listed in space provided below. In the event the Joint
Holder is not a family member of the Customer, sharing the same family surname, the Joint Holder must complete a separate Mailbox Service Agreement and present identification. All mail or parcels received for individuals or businesses not listed under the terms of this agreement will be refused for delivery and returned to sender.
The Customer:
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Customer’s daytime telephone number:
Customer’s current physical address:
Street Address
Suite Number
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
Postal Code
Contract term:
Renewal date:
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Two forms of identification are required, one of which must be a Photo ID. Acceptable forms of identification include a valid Driver’s License or Passport with photo I.D., and a Major Credit Card.
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